@thesis{thesis, author={ Muhammad Sholahuddin and Yubahidi Ahmad}, title ={Analisis Tingkat Kebangkrutan pada Perusahaan Textile Dan Garment Go Public Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Dengan Metode O-Score dan Altman Z-Score (Periode 2014-2017)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/66724/}, abstract={Analysis of bankruptcy level at textile and garment companies going publick listed on the indonesia stock exchange with the O-score and Altman Z-score This study aims to dtermine the bankruptcy prediction in a company. This study compares the results of bankrupt prediction, Altman and Ohlson comparisons are made by comparing the result of each bankruptcy.the sample used in this study were 10 textile and garment companies. The 10 companies did not bankruptcy,only afew experienced financial distresses in 2014-2017 Keywords: Method of Z-Score and Altman Z-Score} }