@thesis{thesis, author={ Ir. Renaningsih and Bachtiar Muhammad Yusuf}, title ={Nilai Kuat Geser Tanah Lempung Bayat Klaten yang Distabilisasi dengan Kapur dan Bubuk Arang Tempurung Kelapa}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/68867/}, abstract={STRONG SHEAR VALUE OF CLAY SOIL BAYAT KLATEN STABILIZED WITH LIME AND COCONUT SHELL CHARCOAL POWDER ABSTRACT Based on Desanta (2017) research, the physical properties of soil in the Bayat. w = 75%, Gs = 2.638, LL = 63.90%, PL = 30.76%, SL = 12.38%, PI = 33.14%. And for the distribution of soil grains obtained, pass No. sieve. 200 = 75%. Land in the Bayat area is notoriously unfavorable and is easily damaged and many potholes, cracks, bumps and collapsed and according to AASHTO belong to the A-7-5 and USCS groups in the CH group. In this final project will use bayat soil as a sample and stabilization materials are charcoal and lime with a percentage of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 5% lime. Physical properties test of charcoal mixed soil including water content, specific gravity, atterberg boundaries from the original soil test obtained atterberg boundaries with LL values 64.00%, PL 24.13%, PI 39.87% and SL 20, 82%. This shows that the land of Beluk Village, Bayat District, Klaten Regency is clay soil with high plasticity and has cohesive properties. According to the ASSHTO method included in group A-7-6 including bad and bad clay soil, according to the USCS method included in the CH group that is non-organic clay soil with high plasticity. The DST test shows the percentage addition of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% charcoal and 5% lime that the value of cohesion and internal friction angle tends to increase. The largest cohesion value is 1,236 kg / cm2 and the largest friction angle value is 21.10 °. Normal voltage values are 4.47 kg / cm2 and shear stress tends to increase. The biggest shear stress value is 2.957 kg / cm2 in soil with 10% charcoal mixture and 5% lime and the smallest shear stress value is 1.848 kg / cm2 in the original soil. Keywords: Charcoal, Lime, Shear Strength, Physical Properties, Stabilization, Clay Soil.} }