@thesis{thesis, author={- Dr. Ahmad Muhibbin and Faishal Pebry Ahmad}, title ={Sosialisasi Nilai-Nilai Demokrasi Melalui Video Berita dengan Modifikasi Strategi Modeling The Way dan Physical Self-Assesssment pada Remaja Kelurahan Karawaci Baru Kecamatan Karawaci Kota Tangerang Tahun 2019}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/79432/}, abstract={This research is to describe the application of the socialization of democratic values through news videos with modification of the Modeling The Way strategy and Physical Self-Assessment to improve understanding of democratic values in adolescents in the Karawaci Baru Village, Karawaci District, Tangerang City in 2019. This study uses an experimental method pre-experimental type with the design of One Group Pretest and Posttest. This research was carried out in the Perumnas of Karawaci Baru Village, Karawaci District, Tangerang City. The population of this study was 30 and the sample was 15.The sampling technique used in this study used the questionnaire and observation methods. Indicators of democratic values used in this study are: (1) resolving problems peacefully and institutionalized; (2) organizes regular leadership changes; (3) limit the use of violence to a minimum; (4) recognizing and assuming reasonable diversity; (5) guarantee the upholding of justice. The validity in this study uses the Correlation Product Moment formula from Pearson. Reliability using the Shapiro Wilk test. Analysis of the data used in this study was paired sample t-test. The screening of the news video with the Implementation of the Way Modeling Strategy and Physical Self-Assessment was able to improve understanding of democratic values in adolescents with the results of the study showing that t count 15.67217819 was greater than t table 2.132 with a significant level of 0.05. These results were obtained from before (Pretest) and after (Posttest) socialization of democratic values through news videos with the modification of Modeling The Way and Physical Self-Assessment with an average pretest score of 48.07 increasing to 62.27 at Posttest. Based on the two data are then compared so that the difference value is 14.2. Based on these results it can be concluded that the hypothesis proposed by H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is an increase in understanding of democratic values through news videos by modifying the Modeling The Way and Physical Self-Assessment strategies or there is an increase in the pretest and posttest average scores.} }