@thesis{thesis, author={ Heru Supriyono and Utami Putri Siwi}, title ={Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Berbasis Website Klinik Gian Sehat Kabupaten Tegal}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/99987/}, abstract={Healthy Gian Clinic is a clinic that provides medical services to the community. Services are in the form of registration, and treatment. In treatment there is data called medical records, and registration. Medical records still use the manual method in writing. Registration is written in a ledger, and medical records are written on a sheet of paper, it is neither effective nor time efficient. The purpose of this study is to design a patient medical record information system, facilitate the performance of health workers, drug officers, and administration, can improve the quality of patient care because the system will be computerized online, facilitate patient registration, and input patient medical records, and save time. when searching for patient data. A website-based medical record information system. The development of this system uses the waterfall method with Laravel 7 as the Back-End, the programming language is PHP 7.4.10, the design uses bootstrap, the database uses mySQL 10.4.14, the web server uses chrome, mozila firefox, and the coding uses visual studio code. In the waterfall method, there are five stages, namely requirements analysis, system design, implementation, integration and testing, and operation and maintenance. The resulting system is a medical record information system that contains features such as patient queues, patient medical records, input data for staff, users, drugs, patient registration, print medical records, print drug prescriptions, and print monthly reports. After the system has been successfully created, it is then tested using blackbox testing, and the System Usability Scale (SUS) reaches 71.88. This information system is included in the acceptable type so that it can be used by Gian Sehat Clinic properly and all of its existing features work well too.} }