@thesis{thesis, author={Samudera Muhammad Ilham}, title ={ANALISIS YURIDIS PENANGANAN MASALAH KECELAKAAN JALAN RAYA MELALUI CARA KEKELUARGAAN}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.uniska-bjm.ac.id/10060/}, abstract={roads that is unexpect and unintentionals involve a vehicles with/ without other roads user result in humans casualt or property loss, a traffics accidents is it unexpected and unwanted event on road traffic and it is difficult to predict when and where it will accur, involving at least one vehicles with/ without other roads users. Cause injury, trauma, disability, death and/ or property loss to the owner (victim). Cases of accidents that often occur do not result in the death of either the driver in front of him or those behind him. The rules in law that regulates in advertence must have clear legal norms so that it is not always associated with a crime, because the accidental loss of a persons life does not need to be carries out in a criminal settlement and can be carried out peacefully, namely by way of kinship. dijalan yang tak terduga serta tak disengaja menyangkut alat transportasi/ tanpa pemakai jalan yang lain menyebabkan objek orang / kehilangan benda, kecelakaan lalu lintas adalah satu kejadian dijalan raya yang tak terduga serta tak dikehendaki dan susah diperkirakan waktu serta tempat terjadinya, paling tidak menyangkut sebuah alat transportasi serta/ tidak dengan pemakai jalan lain yang mengakibatkan luka, tekanan, cacat, tewas / kehilangan harta benda sikorban. Kasus insiden yang kerap terjadi tidak sedikit berakibat kematian baik dari pihak pengendara didepannya atau yang berada dibelakang.} }