@thesis{thesis, author={Nugroho Asta Aji}, title ={EVALUASI SISTEM JARINGAN PERPIPAAN DISTRIBUSI PDAM INTAN BANJAR MENGGUNAKAN SIMULASI EPANET WILAYAH KECAMATAN MATARAMAN}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.uniska-bjm.ac.id/10122/}, abstract={Permasalahan yang sering timbul terutama dimusim kemarau adalah air tidak mengalir, debit air kurang akibat pemakaian air yang banyak di pelanggan dan penurunan debit di sumber air hampir disetiap desa tertentu yang berada pada elevasi yang tinggi dan pipa terjauh. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang timbul di jaringan. Dengan melakukan metode pengukuran lapangan dibandingkan dengan data-data sekunder. Data-data tersebut kemudian dimasukkan dalam permodelan jaringan menggunakan epanet 2.0. Hasilnya diketahui kontinuitas air, jumlah headloss di jaringan serta kondisi jaringan ideal setelah dimodelkan dalam simulasi Epanet. Problems that often arise, especially in the dry season, are the water does not flow, the water discharge is less due to the use of a lot of water by the customer and the decrease in the discharge from water sources in almost every certain village which is at a high elevation and the farthest pipe. The research aims to overcome the problems that arise in the network. By using the field measurement method, it is compared with secondary data. These data are then included in the network modeling using epanet 2.0. The results are known for water continuity, the amount of headloss in the network and ideal network conditions after being modeled in the Epanet simulation.} }