@thesis{thesis, author={Abdillah Muhammad Yusuf}, title ={ANALISIS PERILAKU PETUGAS PENANGANAN LIMBAH DENGAN PENANGANAN LIMBAH MEDIS DI RSUD PAMBALAH BATUNG AMUNTAI}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.uniska-bjm.ac.id/10211/}, abstract={Kesadaran pada petugas akan bahaya limbah medis belum tinggi, sehingga hal inilah yang menjadi masalah yang mendasar pada sebuah sanitasi dirumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui analisis perilaku petugas penanganan limbah dengan penanganan limbah medis di RSUD Pambalah Batung Amuntai. Sampel berjumlah 38 orang. Teknik analsis yang digunakan uji kolerasi Chi-Squre Test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa Sebagian besar Pengetahuan responden dalam kategori Baik sebanyak 29 responden (76,3%), Sikap responden dalam kategori Baik sebanyak 31 responden (81,6%), Tindakan responden dalam kategori Baik sebanyak 30 responden (78,9%), Penanganan Limbah responden dalam kategori Baik sebanyak 31 responden (81,6%). Tidak ada hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Penanganan Limbah medis nilai p 1,000 > ? = 0,05, Tidak ada hubungan Sikap dengan Penanganan Limbah medis nilai p 0,101 > ? = 0,05, Tidak ada hubungan Tindakan dengan Penanganan Limbah medis nilai p 0,146 > ? = 0,05. Pengetahuan petugas kesehatan tentang pengelolaan limbah medis lebih ditingkatkan lagi seperti memberikan pelatihan kepada petugas kesehatan dalam pengelolaan limbah medis. Awareness of the officers about the dangers of medical waste is not yet high, so this is a fundamental problem in a hospital sanitation. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior analysis of waste handling officers with medical waste handling at Pambalah Batung Amuntai Hospital. The sample is 38 people. The analytical technique used is the Chi-Squre Test correlation test. Based on the results of the study, it was found that most of the respondents' knowledge was in the Good category as many as 29 respondents (76.3%), the attitude of the respondents in the Good category was 31 respondents (81.6%), the respondent's actions were in the Good category as many as 30 respondents (78.9% ), Waste Handling respondents in the Good category as many as 31 respondents (81.6%). There is no relationship between Knowledge and Medical Waste Handling p value 1,000 > = 0.05, There is no relationship between Attitude and Medical Waste Handling p value 0.101 > = 0.05, There is no relationship between Actions and Medical Waste Handling p value 0.146 > = 0.05. Health workers' knowledge of medical waste management is further enhanced, such as providing training to health workers in medical waste management} }