@thesis{thesis, author={Tiara Utami}, title ={PRE-SERVICE EFL TEACHERS’ ONLINE TEACHING CHALLENGES AT THE TEACHING PRACTICUM PROGRAM AMIDST COVID-19 OUTBREAK AND HOW THEY COPE WITH THEM: A NARRATIVE CASE STUDY}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.uniska-bjm.ac.id/9436/}, abstract={This narrative research aims to explore pre-service EFL teachers? online teaching challenges at the teaching practicum program amidst COVID-19 outbreak and how they cope with them based on the experiences of four pre-service EFL teachers? in the internship program. Based on semi-structured interview data, the researcher found that there were several challenges encountered by pre-service EFL teachers? in teaching online at the teaching internship program during COVID-19 pandemic. The main challenges are unstable internet networks, lack of knowledge about online learning platforms, low self-confidence, lack of support from practicum-mentor, and lack of participation from students. Fourth participants used the similar way of implementing the strategy in which they were look for a nearby place with a good signal; upload teaching materials the day before; note the steps for teaching; go to the house of the practicum-mentor for consulting; and give a warning to students who are not cooperative. This study emphasizes the importance of strategy readiness in dealing with unexpected challenges during the internship program, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Penelitian naratif ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi tantangan mengajar online guru EFL prajabatan pada program praktikum mengajar di tengah wabah COVID-19 dan bagaimana mereka mengatasinya berdasarkan pengalaman empat guru EFL prajabatan dalam program magang. Berdasarkan data wawancara semi terstruktur, peneliti menemukan bahwa ada beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi oleh guru EFL pra-jabatan dalam mengajar online pada program magang mengajar selama pandemi COVID-19. Tantangan utama adalah jaringan internet yang tidak stabil, kurangnya pengetahuan tentang platform pembelajaran online, rendahnya rasa percaya diri, kurangnya dukungan dari pembimbing praktikum, dan kurangnya partisipasi dari mahasiswa. Keempat partisipan menggunakan cara yang sama dalam menerapkan strategi di mana mereka mencari tempat terdekat dengan sinyal yang baik; mengunggah bahan ajar sehari sebelumnya; perhatikan langkah-langkah mengajar; mendatangi rumah pembimbing praktikum untuk berkonsultasi; dan memberikan teguran kepada siswa yang tidak kooperatif. Kajian ini menekankan pentingnya kesiapan strategi dalam menghadapi tantangan tak terduga selama program magang, terutama di masa pandemi COVID-19.} }