@thesis{thesis, author={Jiyad Hibatullah Ijlal}, title ={APLIKASI PERIKLANAN , PROMOSI DAN POTONGAN HARGA DI MEDIA KLIK KALSEL BERBASIS WEB}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.uniska-bjm.ac.id/9743/}, abstract={Dikarenakan perkembangan Teknologi yang semakin pesat, Maka munculah ide untuk membuat website Klik Kalsel.com lebih kompleks, untuk mempermudah pengelolaan dan pemesanan iklan di media klik kalsel. Dari kasus tersebut dibuat sebuah sistem aplikasi menggunakan notepad++ sebagai text editor, Xampp dan MySQL sebagai database. Semua ini dapat membantu suatu sistem aplikasi yang dapat membantu mengelola pendataan periklanan maupun melakukan pemesanan iklan di media klik kalsel dalam suatu basis data. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini menggunakan metoda waterfall, perancangan model sistem menggunakan UML diagram, bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan PHP dan database yang di pakai MySQL. Aplikasi Periklanan, Promosi dan Potongan Harga di Media Klik Kalsel Berbasis Web, dapat membantu admin untuk pengelolaan khusus periklanan yang berbeda dengan website utama dan customer untuk melakukan proses pemesanan iklan, penelitian ini menghasilkan laporan data seperti laporan iklan, laporan checkout, laporan user, laporan komplain, laporan konfirmasi transaksi, laporan masa iklan, laporan masa tenggang iklan, laporan pendapatan, dan laporan grafik pendapatan perbulan. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi tersebut diharapkan dapat mempermudah admin untuk mengelola periklanan di media Klik Kalsel.com, dan customer untuk pemesanan iklan di website Klik Kalsel.. Due to the rapid development of technology, the idea arose to make the Klik Kalsel.com website more complex, to make it easier to manage and order advertisements on the Klik Kalsel media. From this case, an application system was created using notepad++ as a text editor, Xampp and MySQL as a database. All of this can help an application system that can help manage advertising data collection as well as place an order for advertisements in the media click Kalsel in a database. Due to the rapid development of technology, the idea emerged to make the Klik Kalsel.com website more complex, to simplify management and ordering ads in the media click Kalsel. From this case, an application system was created using notepad++ as a text editor, Xampp and MySQL as a database. All of this can help an application system that can help manage advertising data collection as well as place an order for advertisements on the South Kalimantan click media in a database. In making this application using the waterfall method, designing the system model using UML diagrams, the programming language used is PHP and the database used is MySQL. Applications Advertising, Promotions and Discounts on Media Klik Kalsel Web-Based, can help admins for special advertising management that is different from the main website and customers to process advertising orders, this research produces data reports such as advertising reports, checkout reports, user reports, reports complaints, transaction confirmation reports, advertising period reports, advertising grace period reports, revenue reports, and monthly income graph reports. By using this application, it is hoped that it will make it easier for admins to manage advertising on the Klik Kalsel.com media, and customers to order advertisements on the Klik Kalsel website.} }