@thesis{thesis, author={Rizky Muhammad Faris}, title ={Designing a simple tenses application with verbs converter for android using app inventor}, year={2017}, url={https://eprints.unmer.ac.id/id/eprint/171/}, abstract={Nowadays, the use of developed technology has so many positive impacts in people?s life. One of the positive impacts is the use of technology in education. Mobile Learning is one of those technologies that commonly used for education. Furthermore, the Mobile Learning technology that has the purpose of English Languange Teaching (ELT) is MALL (Mobile Assisted Languange Learning). To avoid some problems of EFL learners, the writer develop the MALL application that concentrates on Grammar teaching spesifically in English Simple Tenses which named as the ?Simple Tenses Application? by the writer. The writer chooses Android as the medium of MALL, because it is open source operating system which ease the writer to develop the MALL application and learners through the commonly use of Android OS in their smartphone. The application has some features, such as Simple Present, Past, Future learning and Verbs learning. The writer develops the application using MIT App Inventor which enables writer to build the features of the Android application easily. By learning through Simple Tenses Application, it is expected for learners to gain benefit in self-taught learning which is a useful things to do when a learner need a quick information and it is more effective than read books which need more time to access the information. The writer encountered some problems which are an application design issue, and a limited data storage of the program because of the writer?s minimum knowledge of design and program which can be fixed through self-learning. Although the Simple Tenses Application is successfully developed, the application need to be fixed for better and useful usage in the future for teaching Simple Tenses.} }