@thesis{thesis, author={Rahman Fahmi Aulia}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM BANTUAN PANGAN NON TUNAI (STUDI DI KOTA BATU JAWA TIMUR BERDASAKAN PERATURAN MENTERI SOSIAL RI NOMOR 11 TAHUN 2018 TENTANG PENYALURAN BANTUAN NON TUNAI )}, year={2022}, url={https://eprints.unmer.ac.id/id/eprint/3561/}, abstract={Poverty is a condition of life that is completely deprived experienced by someone who has a per capita expenditure for a month that is not sufficient to meet the needs of a minimum standard of living. In simple terms, the understanding of poverty can be interpreted as the condition of not being able to meet the basic needs of themselves and their families both food and non-food. Therefore, one of the efforts that the government can take to improve food sustainability as well as a mechanism for social protection and poverty alleviation is to implement it in a form of social assistance program. Where the purpose of this research is to describe how the implementation of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program and understand what factors are the booster and obstacles of the implementation process of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program. To get an idea of how the implementation of the BPNT program certainly requires a research method in which the author uses a case study approach that is descriptive qualitative. Descriptive research is a research that aims to describe an event, occurrence or phenomenon that occurs systematically, actually, and of c ourse accurately. By using data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation in order to perform data analysis by condensing data, presenting data and providing conclusions. Based on the research conducted, the results of the Implementation of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program in Batu City can be said to be successful and running well, although of course it has several aspects of problems that occur such as system errors that cause zero balances in the beneficiary family accounts as well as delays in incoming aid. .} }