@thesis{thesis, author={Fransiska Nov}, title ={Analysis Of The Connel Twins Instagram Pornographic Reception By Female Followers}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.upj.ac.id/id/eprint/1253/}, abstract={This research looks at how the teenage girls' audience perceives the Instagram content of The Connell Twins. This research uses reception analysis, this research uses the concept of new media, mass media, social media, and pornography. In general, pornography is still a taboo subject for Indonesia. In addition, The Connell Twins are Indonesian and then live in Australia. The photos they upload to social media are quite vulgar. There are still many pros and cons of The Connell Twins Instagram content. However, The Connell Twins bring their outer culture to their social media where the followers of the Instagram are mostly Indonesian. In this study using a descriptive qualitative method, the informants in this study were young women aged 18-21 years and were followers of Instagram The Connell Twins. By interpreting The Connell Twins Instagram content. This research refers to preffered reading, namely on Instagram The Connell Twins they can post their content without any restrictions from Instagram. In fact, Instagram itself has restrictions regarding pornographic content. The result of this research is that there are 3 informants who are dominant to the Instagram content of The Connell Twins while 1 out of 3 informants is the result of the opposition. That they say there is an element of pornography in The Connell Twins Instagram content.} }