@thesis{thesis, author={Ajeng Ari Novia Br Nainggolan}, title ={Evaluasi Kinerja Pelayanan Halte Bus Transjakarta Menggunakan Metode Stated Preference dan Importance-Performance Matrix}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.upj.ac.id/id/eprint/15/}, abstract={Evaluation Performance of Transjakarta Bus Stop Services Using Stated Preference and Importance-Performance Matrix Methods. Ajeng Ari Novia Br Nainggolan 1), Resdiansyah 2), Fredy Jhon Philip Sitorus 3) 1) Student of Civil Engineering Department, Pembangunan Jaya University 2) Dean of Technology and Desain Faculty, Pembangunan Jaya University 3) Lecturer of Civil Engineering Department, Pembangunan Jaya University Evaluation of the Transjakarta Palem Raja Raya bus stop service performance, on the T11 corridor with the route Poris Plawad - Karawaci - Bundaran Senayan, has been carried out to determine the bus stop level of services, the level of importance and satisfaction of passengers (IPMA) in regard to bus stop services, as well as to find out the solution to improve the optimal bus stop service performance based on passenger preferences (Stated Preference). The method used in this study were observation at the bus stop, and the survey using a questionnaire containing questions about fare, waiting times, and convenience of facilities. All of the data processed with the SPSS version 23 MacOS. According analysis results, the level of bus stops services in accommodating passenger volume indicated at LOS F, which is the worst LOS category according to Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2000), and describes as overflow queue condition. There are two variables of bus stop service which indicated by passengers are important but not satisfactory and need to be improved, namely waiting time and passenger density. Stated preference result analysis using multiple regression shows that the variables which affected passengers to choose alternative bus stops services are fare (TF), waiting time (WT), and facility convenience (KF), with the value of each bus stop service's variable can be seen in the following models: P = 2,020 + 0,000238TF - 0,057WT + 0,236KF. These values can be interpreted that if the fare, waiting time, and facility convenience change by 1%, then the probability of choosing a bus stop service alternative will increase or decrease by the variable coefficient value. Keywords: Bus Stop Services Performance, Stated Preference, Importance- Performance Matrix. Libraries : 23 Publication Years : 2001 - 2018} }