@thesis{thesis, author={Alfiandani Lazuardi Raka}, title ={PERANCANGAN BACK-END APLIKASI LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BERBASIS WEB UNTUK SDN SERUA INDAH 01 CIPUTAT}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.upj.ac.id/id/eprint/2328/}, abstract={The internet is a communication network that is used to reject and connect one electronic media to other electronic media. The presence of the internet has a positive impact in carrying out daily activities. The benefits of the presence of the internet are a result of innovation in solving problems that occur in the surrounding environment. One of the uses of the internet is the design of a learning management system (LMS). LMS without some things like information management and distribution. In its development, there are several LMS developed to assist and support teaching and learning activities so that learning activities can be accessed at any time.. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, several regulations were implemented to handle and prevent the transmission of the virus, especially regulations in the education sector. Educational institutions are required to change the orientation of learning to online or online. SDN Serua Indah 01 Ciputat is an elementary school that implements Distance Learning (PJJ) activities by utilizing an internet connection in delivering and providing online teaching and learning activities.} }