@thesis{thesis, author={LIFKI GT. RIZA}, title ={POTENSI PENCEMARAN AIRTANAH BEBAS (STUDI KASUS INDUSTRI SOUN DI DESA MANJUNG KECAMATAN NGAWEN KABUPATEN KLATEN)}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/1136/}, abstract={Manjung is a village in the of Klaten Ngawen most of whom work as craftsmen Soun. Villagers Manjung utilize well water for daily activities, and for industrial activities Soun. Soun industry Manjung in the village is in the middle of residential areas. Soun industrial activity performed by most villagers Manjung This poses a problem in waste disposal. This study aims to determine the groundwater quality of the physical parameters (TSS), chemical (pH, BOD, COD, Cl, NH3), biology (Total Coliform), knowing the potential contamination of groundwater in Manjung of Klaten Ngawen. The method used is a survey method, laboratory analytical methods and method drastically. Map of potential contamination of groundwater obtained from weighting by drastic methods. Parameters that are used as the depth of groundwater level, the amount of recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, media influence vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. Based on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia 492 Year 2010 on Drinking Water Quality Requirements, there are some parameters that exceed the quality standard that the parameters BOD, COD, and total coliform bacteria. BOD content of the highest value at L 1 is 9.80 mg / L. The highest COD content is also available on the L 1 is 20.3 mg / L. for total coliform content of bakeries highest content is on L 6 is equal to 2,4x105. Potential contamination of groundwater in the study area based on analysis using drastic methods included into the high degree of vulnerability. Keywords: Industry Soun, Groundwater, drastic method, total coliform bacteria.} }