@thesis{thesis, author={ABADI MOCHAMMAD RIFKY}, title ={RENCANA BIAYA REKLAMASI PROGRAM PASCATAMBANG LAHAN BEKAS TAMBANG PASIR KUARSA DI PT TRI PANORAMA SETIA KECAMATAN KIJANG KABUPATEN BINTAN PROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAU}, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/11447/}, abstract={ABSTRACT PT Tri Panorama Setia is quartz sand mining companies located in the village of Gunung Kijang, District Gunung Kijang, Bintan regency, Riau Islands Province. Mining activities in the company that produces quartz sand began in 2016 and completed in 2020. The termination of mining activities resulted in negative impacts, especially environmental damage so that need cost plans postmining reclamation. It purposes to know how much the cost to reduce the negative impact of mining activities. The purpose of this study was to calculate the cost of demolition, performed land use, dissemination of topsoil and revegetation in the post minereclamation activities of PT Tri Panorama Setia. The method used in this study generally consists of a literature study to determine the general picture and add references to post-mining, collecting supporting data such as guidelines for the planning of post-mining based on the law, secondary data collection on an overview of the area of research, data collection in the field to determine the profile the area to be reclaimed post-mining program, and calculate the plan and the cost of post-mining reclamation program. Cost plans post-mining reclamation of mined land program quartz sand PT Tri Panorama Setia will do in three areas: the former mine site, processing facilities, and support facilities starting from the demolition of the building, then performed land use, and dissemination of topsoil. After that, the planting of cover crops and planting of pioneer. Total budget plan program post-mining reclamation costs amounted Rp234,494,342.00.} }