@thesis{thesis, author={ARDANDA AXEL EKA}, title ={STUDI KORELASIANTARA PELAYANAN PRIMA PUBLIC RELATIONS HOTEL INNA GARUDA YOGYAKARTA DENGAN TINGKAT KEPUASAN KONSUMEN DI HOTEL INNA GARUDA YOGYAKARTA (Analisis Menggunakan Teori Model Pertukaran Sosial)}, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/11558/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Hotel Inna Garuda Yogyakarta is one of the hospitality service providers in Yogyakarta, which can be quite senior in Yogyakarta actually considering his age is quite old, but on one side of the Hotel Inna Garuda looks still exist. Is excellent service public relations who run the company, too, which makes this hotel not lose consumers. This is what makes researchers are searching for is there a relationship between excellent service especially those run by the public relations division of the level of consumers satisfaction in the Hotel Inna Garuda Yogyakarta. The theory used in this research is a theoretical model of social exchange websites. This theory says that individuals voluntarily enter and remain in the social relations just as long as the relationship is considered quite satisfactory in terms of rewards and costs. The method used in this research is quantitative research methods. Data was collected by means of literature and spreading the questionnaire. The results using the product moment correlations R calculated at (0.760) so it can be said of there is a positive and significant correlation between excellent service public relations Hotel Inna Garuda Yogyakarta with the level of consumers satisfaction in the Hotel Inna Garuda Yogyakarta. Excellent service that do have a relationship of 56.8% to 43.2%, while customer satisfaction is influenced by other variables.} }