@thesis{thesis, author={Sari Ayu Iriani Puspita}, title ={UPAYA PENGELOLAAN KERUSAKAN LAHAN PENAMBANGAN DIORIT TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN FISIK DI DUSUN BERJO KULON KELURAHAN SIDOLUHUR KECAMATAN GODEAN KABUPATEN SLEMAN D.I. YOGYAKARTA}, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/11686/}, abstract={Godean which included District in Sleman is one area that has a mining business diorite. Mining is managed by the people or the so-called artisanal mining. This study aims to determine the impact of land degradation Diorite mining activities on the physical environment and provide guidance on the environmentally sound management of mining land in the hamlet Berjo Diorite Kulon, Village Sidoluhur, Godean, Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is the method of surveys, interviews, data analysis, and methods scoring. The sampling technique in the study using purposive sampling techniques. Parameters taken by Yogyakarta Governor Decree No. 63 of 2003 include: Limit Edge Excavation, Excavation Depth Limit, Relief Basic Minerals, Minerals Tebing Tilt Limit, High Wall Quarrying and Road Condition. The results of the study of mining impacts on the physical environment in Diorite Berjo Kulon village, Village Sidoluhur, Godean, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Province, namely a change in the physical environment of which is land degradation in the category Medium level of damage to land with total pengharkatan 13. Covers damage excavation Border an average of 4.5 meters classification was, Class Hole Depth Excavated average 1.4 meters classification Good, Basic Relief Excavation average of 2.1 meters to the classification Damaged, Tilt limit Excavation Cliffs average - average 45o(100%) classification Medium, High Wall Excavation average of 9 meters classification Damage, the last is the road Condition classification Medium is the path a little bumpy and undulating with an average of 24%. To minimize the impact, should be handling the appropriate steps on the environment in order to prevent further damage. Referral management that can be done in the area of research is the creation patio bench with 9 meter high cliff, cliff 25 meters wide and 34 meters long, divided into three terraces with each terrace has a width of 8.3 meters. There are ridges with a width of 20 x 20 cm and waterways with a depth of 20 cm and a height of 10 cm. The top management of the soil by sprinkling of top soil on the north side of the land after mining to conduct revegetation with the selection of appropriate plants such as acacia, teak, fodder crops (grass). Planting is done by Raising Lorong alley cropping system. Keywords: Land Degradation, Diorite, Patio Bench, Raising Aisle} }