@thesis{thesis, author={Ariyanti Kintan Dwi}, title ={TEKNIK KONSERVASI MATAAIR DI DESA BANJARARUM KECAMATAN KALIBAWANG KABUPATEN KULON PROGO DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA}, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/11716/}, abstract={The springs in the village of Banjararum is insufficient community water needs in terms of quality, quantity, and lack of management of water added by an increasing population growth. The research aims to find out the characteristics of water, define zones of recharge of water, and making referrals of appropriate conservation techniques on site research. Refer to maps and mapping field survey results, characteristics of water springs in Banjararum village was did data of spring discharge with applicatied of the method of purposive sampling for the determination of the quality with a laboratory test. Determinatied zones of recharge springs did matamatis methods of analysis and observation in the field related slope slopes, rainfall, soil texture, and land use. Then the interview method (stratified random sampling) to found out the needs of the population and water matamatis method on rainfall data, run off, and evapotranspirasi in the determination of the availability of water. Conducted evaluation methods related potential characteristics of water, springs, and recharge zones, so that the obtained mechanical and agronomist method to make landing techniques of conservation. From research conducted, there are 6 Springs depression to the North and East, 2 spring contacts in the Central and Southwest, as well as 1 turbuler springs in the Northwest of the village of Banjararum. In quality not in accordance with the standard of Pergub DIY No. 20 in 2008 about the Quality of the raw Water i.e. coliform bacteria content on all springs and Fe on Springs Puser Pancur. Quantity not yet sufficient spring water needs of the community. The term refers to the areas of Ministerial Regulation No. 2 PU 2013 are on the North and West of the village of Banjararum. The conservation techniques applied to landing on an area basis i.e. affixes agronomist with the system wanatani and mechanically with the approach techniques such as making channel resapan, shelter water holes in the trees, making the filter levels decrease Fe, Chlorine Diffuser and public hydrants in the area of the border. Key words: Spring, Characteristic, Recharge, Conservation Technique} }