@thesis{thesis, author={Sidete Indah Rehista}, title ={IDENTIFIKASI DAMPAK KEGIATAN TAMBAK UDANG DI EKOSISTEM GUMUK PASIR DUSUN DEPOK, DESA PARANGTRITIS, KECAMATAN KRETEK, KABUPATEN BANTUL, DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA}, year={2015}, url={http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/1193/}, abstract={With the activities of shrimp ponds in the sand dunes ecosystem, resulting in reduced vegetation found in coastal areas. The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of shrimp farms located in the sand dunes ecosystems and know the water quality in aquaculture shrimp waste into the environment. The method used in this research is the survey method, scoping methods, methods of laboratory analysis and data analysis methods. The sampling technique in this research is by using purposive sampling method with a sample point determination techniques with particular consideration. Scoping methods used to collect any data that may be incurred regardless of the big/little impact there at the study site based environmental setting, then in the evaluation of potential impacts to eliminate potential impacts are considered irrelevant that done by answering four questions arise that impact the results obtained important hypothetical. Used laboratory method to test parameters referenced as a determinant of water quality are discharged into the environment. Based on the analysis of data and analysis in the laboratory can be seen that the potential impact of the research sites, there are 16 existing and hypothetical Significant Impacts 15 Impacts such as changes in land use, decline in coastal vegetation, increase employment opportunities etc. Results of laboratory analysis showed that of six samples of pond water and one sample of ground water tested, all samples of some of the parameters do not meet quality standards, which exceed the parameters of groundwater quality standard that NO3, NO2 and NH3. While the parameters of pond water that exceeds the quality standard that is pH, BOD, PO4, NH3, NO2 and water quality are discharged into the environment is polluted. Keywords: Ecosystem sand dunes, Potential Impact, Water pond.} }