@thesis{thesis, author={HADI BIMO SATRIO YUDANTORO}, title ={KAJIAN KEBERHASILAN REKLAMASI LAHAN BEKAS PENAMBANGAN BATUGAMPING DI PT. SUGIH ALAMANUGROHO KECAMATAN PONJONG KABUPATEN GUNUNGKIDUL DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA}, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/12031/}, abstract={ABSTRACT PT Sugih Alamanugroho is a company in limestone mining industry which started the operation since 1997. Mine location is in Gunung Sidowayah, Gunugkidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Mining system at PT. Sugih Alamanugroho uses surface mining system and quarry method. Mining activities have impacts such as landform changes, vegetation loss, erosion and sedimentation, changes in surface flow patterns. To prevent further negative impacts after mining activities the reclamation effort is should made. Reclamation activities are considered successful if fulfill the criteria of success of reclamation and assessment indicator that show that reclamation is acceptable Therefore, it needs an assessment of reclamation success which refers to Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 7 in 2014 on Reclamation and Mine Closure and Forestry Minister Regulation No P. 60 in 2009 on Assessing the Success of Forest Reclamation. The main purpose of research at PT. Sugih Alamanugroho is assessing and evaluating the success of reclamation by conducting an assessment so as to know the success rate and the deficiency also how to solve the problem and increase it. At the field, the data were taken are rainfall data, soil physical and chemical properties, success rate of revegetation, final topography map, and photo capture. Based on the results of observations and research were conducted can be concluded that the reclamation at PT. Sugih Alamanugroho is categorized good with grade on 90 (the results of reclamation implementation is acceptable). There are some things that are not optimal in the reclamation activities such as plant growth, area cover, and stitching so it needs to be improved to get a better reclamation by changing the type of plant that the success rate of growth < 80% such as breadfruit, sengon, matoa, pete, munggur, And trembesi with plants with a success rate of growth ? 80% like teak, banyan tree, or mahony so as to increase the area of revegetation that grows to 12.608m2 or area cover to 82%, and also stitching on dead plants.} }