@thesis{thesis, author={Sukmawati Darumas Bunga}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF ILLUCOTIONARY ACTS IN THE “SING” MOVIE}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints3.upgris.ac.id/id/eprint/1385/}, abstract={Sukmawati, Darumas Bunga. 2023. ?An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts in the ?Sing? Movie?. Final Project, English Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Universitas PGRI Semarang. Advisor 1: Dr. Senowarsito, M.Pd., Advisor 2: Dra. Tarcisia Sri Suwarti, M.Pd. Keywords: Pragmatics, Speech act, Illocutionary acts, Sing Movie The objectives of this research were: 1) to find out the types of Illocutionary acts used by Buster Moon in the ?Sing? movie. 2) to find out the most dominant type of Illocutionary act used by Buster Moon in the ?Sing? movie. 3) to explain the contribution of the illocutionary act used by Buster Moon in the ?Sing? movie on English learning. The methodology used in this research was descriptive qualitative. The data were taken from ?Sing? movie through the main character who is Buster Moon's utterances. In addition, to analyze Buster Moon's utterances, the writer used Searle's theory. The result of this research, showed that: first, the writer found five types of illocutionary act which are assertive (118 utterances), directive (166 utterances), commissive (18 utterances), expressive (108 utterances), and declarative (8 utterances). The most dominant type of illocutionary act used by Buster Moon was directive with a frequency of 39.71%. Third, teachers may utilize this research as a teaching media to help their students understand more about illocutionary acts in the English language.} }