@thesis{thesis, author={Munasih Dian Septia}, title ={WRITING ASSESSMENT LITERACY OF ENGLISH TEACHERS IN SMK KY AGENG GIRI DEMAK}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints3.upgris.ac.id/id/eprint/1476/}, abstract={Munasih, Dian Septia. 2023. Writing Assessment Literacy: Investigating EFL Teachers' Writing Assessment Practices in A Vocational School. Final Project, English Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Universitas PGRI Semarang. Advisor 1: Dr. Wiyaka, M.Pd., Advisor 2: Entika Fani Prastikawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. Keyword: Assessment, assessment literacy, writing assessment literacy, English teaching Assessment literacy has been one of the crucial issues in English language teaching. Many research has highlighted the need of assessment training for in-service teachers. Unfortunately, there is limited number of research in Indonesia investigating the issue of assessment literacy especially concerning to writing assessment literary. To fill the gaps, this study is trying to capture the writing assessment literacy, practices and training needs employed by English teachers in a vocational school. A mix method research design was utilized by the writers in gaining the main data of this study. Three English teachers in a private vocational school (SMK Ky Ageng Giri) were volunteered to be the participants of this study. In collecting the data, the writers adopted and adapted an open-ended questionnaire. Furthermore, observation was also conducted to support the findings. The finding shows that each English teacher has done writing assessment in a different way. One has detailly implemented writing assessment by considering the writing assessment rubrics well. On the other hand, another English teacher did not always implement writing assessment during teaching and learning. The disparity result between open-ended questionnaire and observation result reveals that the English teachers are still lack of writing assessment knowledge and practices. So, formal training in writing assessment is needed.} }