@thesis{thesis, author={Ranti Elsa Mei}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS IN THE MOVIE’S SCRIPT OF “CINDERELLA 2015”}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints3.upgris.ac.id/id/eprint/1556/}, abstract={Ranti, Elsa Mei. 2023. An Analysis of Idiomatic Expressions in the Movies Script of ?CINDERELLA 2015? Final Project, English Education Study, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, University of PGRI Semarang. Adviser I: Dr. Dias Andris Susanto, S.Pd., M.Pd., Advisor II: Drs. Moh. Wahyu Widianto, M.Pd. Keywords: An Analysis Idiomatic Expressions, Movies Script, CINDERELLA 2015 This research was conducted to analyze the idiomatic expressions in the movies script of CINDERELLA 2015. The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the types of idiomatic expressions contained in the dialogue of the scripst CINDERELLA 2015 and (2) to find out the types of idiomatic expressions that are dominantly used by in the movie script of CINDERELLA 2015. This study used the qualitative method. The data used in this research is the dialogue of the idiom expressions. Data collection was carried out in the following steps: (1) download the film CINDERELLA 2015; (2) watch and understand carefully; (3) focus on the scripts of CINDERELLA 2015; (4) read and observe the film script; and (5) identify the idiomatic based on the type. After obtaining the desired data, the data will be analyzed by identifying idiom based on the types of idiomatic expressions according to Makkai theory and then based on the meaning of the utterance. In the final stage, the researcher concluded the types of idiomatic used and the types often used by the film CINDERELLA 2015. The results of the study show that the researchers found five types of idomatic expressions by the idiom of the movie Cinderella 2015. The researcher found 110 utterances based on the results of the analysis conducted, where directives are most often used.} }