@thesis{thesis, author={Wahyusetyawan Ihza Dede}, title ={THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING COURSE REVIEW HORAY MODEL TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION FOR STUDENTS: a Case of 8th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 34 Semarang}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints3.upgris.ac.id/id/eprint/1702/}, abstract={Objectives of this study are as follow; (1) To find differences in students' reading comprehension learning outcomes after cooperative learning of the Course Review Horay Model and (2) To find out how influence does Course Review Horay Model improves the students reading comprehension. The subject of this paper is several subjects or students who are class VIII students in SMP N 34 Semarang for the 2022/2023 school year. The researcher took 2 classes (8G and 8H) that contain 32 students each class. Class of 8G was for experimental group, and 8H was for control group. The data collection process in this study involved several steps. First the researchers prepared a test. Second the researchers administered a test to measure the students pretest ability. In the third phase the researchers administered tests (posttests) to measure the students abilities after treatment. In the fourth step the researcher conducts an investigation. In the final step the researchers calculated the data. using the t test. Based on the results of the research and discussion obtained, it can be concluded as follows: (1) Based on the t1 test, the results of t count 2.568 > t table 1.667 and a significance level of t count 0.013 <0.05 with a positive direction is proven that the Post-test Score of the Experimental Group Application of the Course Review Horay Model is significantly different from the Post-test Score of the Control Group (the group of students who use conventional learning model) which means that H1 is accepted, that is, there are differences in reading comprehension learning outcomes between the experimental group and the control group in class VIII SMP N 34 Semarang; (2) Based on the t test results, t count 13.528 > t table 1.69 and a significance level t count 0.000 <0.05 it is proven that test score of the experimental group, which means that there is a significant effect of applying the Course Review Horay Model to the results Learning Reading comprehension for class VIII students of SMP N 34 Semarang. Keywords: influence, Course Review Horay, Reading Comphrehension} }