@thesis{thesis, author={Ningsih Suprihati}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF BIRDS OF PREY MOVIE VIEWED FROM ITS CULTURAL VALUES AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO CROSS CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints3.upgris.ac.id/id/eprint/1769/}, abstract={Ningsih, Suprihati. 16420073. 2023. An Analysis of Birds of Prey Movie Viewed from Its Cultural Values and Its Contribution to Cross Cultural Understanding. Final Project, English Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, University of PGRI Semarang. Advisor I: Dr. Rahmawati Sukmaningrum, M.Pd., and Advisor II: Ajeng Setyorini, S.S., M.Pd. Keywords: Cultural values, Birds of Prey, Cross Cultural Understanding This final project was conducted to analyze cultural values found in Birds of Prey movie and its contribution to Cross Cultural Understanding Teaching. The objectives of the study were (1) to know the implication of cultural values found in Birds of Prey movie based on iceberg analogy. (2) To find out the contribution of Birds of Prey movie to cross-cultural understanding. The methodology of this research was descriptive qualitative research. The main sources of this research were Birds of Prey movie and the script of Birds of Prey movie. The writer used some steps in analyzing the data. First, analyzing words/sentences indicate the cultural values in the script of the movie. Second, categorizing the cultural values based on the elements of culture. Third, finding the correlation of cultural values in Birds of Prey movie to Cross Cultural Understanding. Fourth, elaborating the contribution of cultural values to Cross Cultural Understanding based on theoretical review and personal judgment. Fifth, writing the result. The last, Making conclusions and suggestions. In the process of analysis, the writer found several cultural values which covered symbols, language, food, clothing, beliefs, attitudes, values, and artifacts. This movie teaches us about social life, how to become a tough woman, effort and hard work, solidarity, and emancipation of women where women are usually underestimated and labeled as weak humans. The contribution of this movie to cross cultural understanding teaching is giving information about other countries? cultures and increasing knowledge. Movie can be an alternative media to cross cultural understanding teaching. Therefore, it is suggested that the teacher can use movies as media in teaching Cross Cultural Understanding in order to make students interested in learning about the culture.} }