@thesis{thesis, author={Dewi Puspa Kurnia}, title ={ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION TEXTS VIA ONLINE AT THE SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 9 GEMUH KENDAL IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints3.upgris.ac.id/id/eprint/1893/}, abstract={Dewi, Puspa Kurnia. 2023. Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Reading Comprehension Texts via Online at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Gemuh Kendal in the Academic Year 2022/2023. Final Project, English StudyProgram, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, University of PGRI Semarang. Advisor I: Prof. Dr. Suwandi, M.Pd., Advisor II: Dr. AB Prabowo KA, S.Pd., M.Hum Keywords: Advantages, Disadvantages, Online Teaching, and Reading Comprehension Texts. This study is based on the research which attempted to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of teaching reading comprehension texts via online at the seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Gemuh Kendal. The objectives of the research were (1) to find out the advantages of teaching reading comrehension texts via online at the seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Gemuh Kendal, (2) to find out the disadvantages of teaching reading comprehension texts via online at the seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Gemuh Kendal, and (3) how the English teacher implements teaching reading comprehension texts via online at the seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Gemuh Kendal. By using purposive sampling techniques, there was one class consisting of 21 students chosen and the English teacher who taught reading comprehension texts using online as the subjects of this study. A questionnaire, interview, and observation were intended to collect the data. To know the advantages and disadvantages of teaching reading comprehension texts via online, this research used descriptive statistics and qualitative to reveal the results data from questionnaires, interviews, and class observation. During the teaching reading comprehension texts via online, the English teacher and students encountered several advantages such as enhancing students? engagement, improving students? understanding, providing a variety of reading materials, and increasing the teacher?s creativity. Additionally, both students and teacher also experience several disadvantages while teaching reading comprehension texts via online, some of the disadvantages faced are unstable internet connectivity, financial issue, and inability to manage time. The result of the English class observation and interview showed that the English teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Gemuh Kendal applies a hybrid type of online teaching using four online learning platforms: Kahoot!, QuizWhizzer, WhatsApp Group, and Google Classroom.} }