@thesis{thesis, author={WAHYUDI DERI}, title ={RANCANG BANGUN KAJI EKSPERIMENTAL LAJU PERPINDAHAN1PANAS MENGGUNAKAN THERMOSTAT NTC, ARDUINO, DAN SOFTWARE CFD}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints3.upgris.ac.id/id/eprint/2072/}, abstract={Technology is currently advancing and developing rapidly, which has created new technologies that can facilitate human work, where now there is something called Arduino, which is a microcontroller that can read sensors. As for the purpose of making this tool, the author wants to make a tool that can be used for experimental testing of heat transfer using an Arduino controller and using a thermistor temperature sensor that can read the temperature quantity that will be displayed on the i2c screen knowing that using Arduino and the NTC1thermistor temperature sensor is capable take temperature readings that can be used for experimental tests of heat transfer rates besides that this experimental test is also simulated using computer software called CFD which is able to simulate how the heat transfer rate Kata Kunci: Arduino, Thermostat NTC, CFD} }