@thesis{thesis, author={ANITA NESYA AYU}, title ={DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTIVE POWERPOINT-BASED LEARNING MEDIA IN OVERCOMING SOCIAL ANXIETY OF MTS MA’ARIF JUMO STUDENTS WHEN PUBLIC SPEAKING}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints3.upgris.ac.id/id/eprint/4113/}, abstract={Study Program of Guidance and Counseling Faculty of Education Universitas PGRI Semarang, S i d o d ad i E ast , D o kter Ci p to Ro a d , N o . 24 , Karan gtemp el , Kec. Semar ang Ti m. , Semar ang Ci ty, Cen tr al J ava 50232 Email: nesyaayuanita@gmail.com Cit at i o n In f o r ma t i o n : An ita, N . A. , V en ty, & Wi d i harto , C. A. . ( 2024 ) . D eve l o p men t o f I n t er acti ve P o werP o i nt- B ased L ear n i n g M edi a i n O ver co mi n g S o ci al An x i ety o f M T s M a ' ar i f J u mo S tu d ents Wh en Pu b l i c S peaki n g. S u l uh : J u r n al B i mb i n gan D an Ko n s el i n g, 9 ( 2 ) , 87 ? 92 . https://doi.org/10.33084/suluh.v9i2.7008 INTRODUCTION Public speaking is one of the skills that students must have. Students need public skills to carry out school activities, such as organizational activities, presentations in front of the class, and speeches. In learning public speaking, students can communicate in groups with two or more people by learning to present, ask and answer, and copy-giving responses. The ability to communicate in public is closely related to students' confidence. Lack of confidence in communicating is, in fact, a normal form of behavior and not a serious case as long as the individual can reduce anxiety so that the level of anxiety does not result in the communication act he does. Anxiety to communicate in public is included in the criteria for social phobia and social anxiety disorder. Physical physiological reactions include cold fingers, racing heart, cold sweat, dizziness, irregular breathing, or even shortness of breath, while psychological reactions include fear, difficulty concentrating, pessimism, and restlessness. The condition is characterized by fear when showing the situation. Gender equality emphasizes equal status and values for men and women. (Amalie et al., n.d.) Anxiety about interacting with their environment occurs because not all individuals in their teens are comfortable interacting with their environment. Anxiety with systematic desensitization has a correlation, where social anxiety disorder is neurotic anxiety over the social environment characterized by fear or anxiety about judgments and views by the surrounding environment. Psychological problems that are quite widely experienced in the world are social anxiety, one of which is experienced by Indonesians. About 15.8% of the Indonesian population experiences social anxiety. Social anxiety is characterized by fear that arises due to embarrassment and negative evaluation by others in social situations, so it tends to avoid feared social situations. (Badriyah et al., 2020) (Sugiantoro SMK Negeri, 2018) (Sela Diwanda et al., n.d.) (Sari et al., 2022) Based on the results of previous research by Amalia and Rahmawati (2020). The social anxiety of students when speaking in public was done to 32 students was high social anxiety, indicating that as many as six students experienced} }