@thesis{thesis, author={Agustina Riris Vero Pramita}, title ={Pengaruh lama penyimpanan terhadap nilai TPC (Total Plate Count) dan kandungan Salmonella Sp pada kuning telur asin bebek yang dijual di pasar Blimbing kota Malang}, year={2020}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/6292/}, abstract={The study aimed to Storage Duration Effect on TPC (Total Plate Count) Value and Salmonella sp Content in Salted Duck Eggs taken from Blimbing Market of Malang. The design used in this resarch was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 different storage duration for salted duck eggs and 5 replications labeled as P0: Sample was taken and tested directly for total bacteria and Salmonella Sp content; P1: Sample was placed and stored at room temperature (20o C - 25o C) for 24 hours; P2: Sample was placed and stored at room temperature (20o C - 25o C) for 72 hours; P3: Sample was placed and stored at room temperature (20o C - 25o C) for 120 hours; P4: Sample was placed and stored at room temperature (20o C - 25o C) for 168 hours. All the samples were tested for TPC (Total Plate Count) value and Salmonella sp content. The total bacterial count showed a significant differences (P = 0.05) for each P0 calculation (223 ± 23.7a); P1 (426 ± 116b); P2 (379 ± 95b); P3 (419 ± 79b); and P4 (588 ± 102c). The results of the calculation of Salmonella sp were P0 (1 positive sample and 4 negative samples); P1 (1 positive sample and 4 negative samples); P2 (3 positive samples and 2 negative samples); P3 (2 positive samples and 3 negative samples); and P4 (4 positive samples and 1 negative sample). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the egg storage time has effect on the total number of bacteria in the egg yolk, the longer storage duration of the salted duck eggs the more bacteria that can grow, especially the Salmonella sp bacteria. Salted duck eggs taken from Blimbing market of Malang City are not good condition to be consumed because it contaminated with Salmonella sp bacteria, although the total number of Salmonella sp bacteria contamination in the total plates was below the standard according to SNI.} }