@thesis{thesis, author={Antoro Dipoyono Ali}, title ={Pertanggungjawaban Dalam Perjanjian Sewa - Menyewa Gudang Antara Perseroan Terbatas dengan Perseorangan (Kajian dalam Perspektif Hukum Perdata)}, year={2020}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/6764/}, abstract={The research entitled Responsibility in the Warehouse Lease Agreement of Limited Liability Company and an Individual (Study in the Civil Law Perspective) aims first to find out the position of the parties in making a lease agreement between a Limited Liability Company and an individual and the second to find out the liability of the parties if there is damage to the rented warehouse. The research method used in this thesis is a normative research method with a statutory approach. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that as Article 1338 of the Civil Code, Limited Liability Companies as warehouse tenants and individuals as warehouse owners are bound to agreements that have been mutually agreed upon, namely lease agreements which are then regulated in Article 1548 of the Law Code Civil Code up to Article 1600 of the Civil Code. The individual as the owner of the warehouse has the main obligation to hand over the warehouse in good condition, while the Limited Liability Company as the tenant of the warehouse has the main obligation to pay rent and use and maintain the warehouse as well as possible. If there is damage to the warehouse during the rental period, the warehouse tenant is required to make repairs (vide Article 1564 of the Civil Code) and return the warehouse after the rental period ends in its original state (vide Article 1563 of the Civil Code). Keywords: civil liability, lease, warehouse damage} }