@thesis{thesis, author={Murdiyati .}, title ={Hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu dengan penatalaksanaan diare akut pada anak yang di rawat di RSIA Soerya Taman Sidoarjo}, year={2020}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/6795/}, abstract={Corelation between mother's knowledge level and management of acute diarrhea in children treated at RSIA Soerya Taman Sidoarjo, Final Project, Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya Acute diarrhea is one of the main causes of mortality in children in Indonesia. For this reason acute management of diarrhea is needed in order to prevent worsening diarrhea and complications. So that the management of acute diarrhea children can be done properly, then one of the factors is the mother's knowledge. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal knowledge about the management of acute diarrhea in children treated at RSIA Soerya Taman Sidoarjo. This type of research is observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The study population was mothers whose children had acute diarrhea who were treated at RSIA SOERYA Taman Sidoarjo with a total sample of 60 children taken by accidental sampling. The independent variable is the level of knowledge, while the dependent variable is the management of acute diarrhea. Data analysis using the Spearman rank test with a significance level (? = 0.05). The results showed that the majority (65%) of mothers had a good level of knowledge and the majority (60%) of mothers with adequate acute diarrhea management. Spearman rank test results showed that P = 0,000 and r = 0.500 meant there was a positive positive relationship between knowledge levels mothers with acute diarrhea management in children who are treated at RSIA Soerya Taman Sidoarjo. It can be concluded that the better the mother's knowledge the better the management of acute diarrhea in children. So health workers are expected to conduct health education to the public about the dangers, prevention of diarrhea and management of children with diarrhea at home so that the incidence of diarrhea is quickly resolved. Keywords: Knowledge Level, Management of Acute Diarrhea.} }