@thesis{thesis, author={Hermawati Lilik}, title ={Analisis rasio keuangan dan model Z-Score untuk menilai kinerja dan tingkat kesehatan keuangan perusahaan (studi empiris pada Industri kayu dan industri pengolahannya yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2014-2016)}, year={2018}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/710/}, abstract={This study aims to measure the performance and financial soundness of the warning for the company if there are signs of companies in difficult financial conditions or financial distress. The sample of this research consists of 2 companies of wood industry and its Processing and 9 pulp and paper industry companies listed as manufacturing company in Indonesi Stock Exchange. The result showed that from 11 companies who sampled 1 company's reserch in healthy category of company, 2 compenies in the category of vulnerable, and as many as 8 companies in the category of difficult financial situation and potentially bankruptcy in the period to come if not immediately do the anticipation right. Keywords : financial performance, financial ratio analysis, Z-Score model, financial distress.} }