@thesis{thesis, author={Ikhsan Achmad}, title ={PENGARUH KADAR GULA DARAH TERHADAP KEJADIAN KATARAK PADA PASIEN DIABETES MILITUS DI RSUD dr. KOESMA TUBAN-JATIM TAHUN 2017}, year={2020}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/7147/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Ikhsan, Achmad. 2019. Effect of Blood Sugar Levels on Cataract Occurrence in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Dr. Koesma Tuban-Jatim Hospital 2017 years. Final Project, Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya, Ayu Cahyani N.,Dr.Mkkk; Sri Lestari Utami, Ssi., Mkes(1) The high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) that have been chronic in DM are associated with long-term damage, dysfunction or failure of some organs, especially the eyes. Cataracts are any conditions of turbidity in the lens that can occur due to hydration (addition of fluid) of the lens, denaturation of lens proteins or resulting from both. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of blood sugar levels on the incidence of cataracts in DM patients in RSUD dr. Koesma Tuban-Jatim 2017 years. This research was observational with a case-control approach, and using chi-square test as hypothesis exam. The population of this study were 70 DM patients who had cataracts of 35 and not as many as 35. Variables consisted of DM patients who had hyperglycemia from cataracts as independent variables and those who suffered from cataracts as the dependent variable. The results showed that an influence between blood sugar levels and the incidence of cataracts in DM patients in Dr. Koesma Tuban-Jatim Hospital, this has proven by the p-value at the time of the chi-square test at p = 0.033 (<0.05). The patient's age also affects blood sugar levels with the incidence of cataracts in DM patients on average patients aged 60 years and has a correlation. to suppress or reduce the incidence of cataracts in DM patients, it was recommended to the community further to increase the consumption of foods containing vitamins and antioxidants as an effort to ward off free radicals that can affect health. Key word : the incidence of cataracts, the incidence of DM, patient's age} }