@thesis{thesis, author={Fianto Faisal Nur}, title ={Hubungan faktor risiko makanan pendamping asi (lokal) dengan status gizi balita usia 6-24 bulan di desa Pademonegoro Kecamatan Sukodono Kabupaten Sidoarjo}, year={2021}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/7707/}, abstract={Fianto, Faishal Nur. 2020. The Risk Factor Of Weaning Food (Local Made) With Nutritional Status Of Infant Aged 6-24 Months in Pademonegoro Village Sukodono Subdistrict of District Sidoarjo City. Final Assignment, Faculty of Medicine, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University. Tutor: dr. Ayu Cahyani Noviana, M.KKK Weaning food is additional food that?s given to babies or children aged from 6-24 months for energy and nutrient to meet their needs much of which is provided by breastfeeding. The aim of this research was to determine the risk factor of weaning food (local made) with nutritional status of infants aged from 6-24 months. This research are analytic observational with case control design. The variables of this research consisted of weaning food as independent variables, nutritional status as dependent variables. This research has 52 respondent. The analysis test of this research is Chi-Square with the research results show that weaning food (local made) has risk factor to nutritional status of infants aged from 6-24 months with value of odd ratio OR=3.6 (OR>1). This result of Odd Ratio which are 3.6, has given understanding that the weaning food which local made provide opportunities 3.6 times as large as having nutritional status that less than a toddler age 6-24 months provided weaning food which are factory made. This happen because local made weaning food that have nutrition content is not being sufficient enough for nutritional standard than factory made weaning food.} }