@thesis{thesis, author={Sukses Putri Putu Ayu Rossa Elvira}, title ={Pengaruh pemberian seduhan daun kelor (moringa oleifera) terhadap penyebaran neutrofil pada jaringan paru tikus putih (rattus norvegicus) yang terpapar asap rokok}, year={2021}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/7793/}, abstract={Smoking is a growing problem and no solution has been found until now. More than 70% of Indonesian families have at least one smoker. A person who is exposed to environmental cigarette smoke is vulnerable to becoming a victim of disease caused by smoking. Several studies have stated that Moringa oleifera leaf extract is known to be able to cure various diseases such as antioxidant, hepatopreotective, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory. From this description, this study aims to determine the effect of infusion of Moringa oleifera leaves on the spread of neutrophils in the lung tissue of white mice (Rattus norvegicus) exposed to cigarette smoke. The population in this study were 30 white rats (Rattus norvegicus) with the number of samples in each group were 5 white rats and 1 mouse as a reserve in each group, so the number of mice used in each group was 6 white rats. The independent variable in this study was Moringa oleifera leaf extract with doses of 1.8 ml, 2.7 ml and 3.6 ml. And the dependent variable is lung histology of white rats (Rattus norvegicus). While the controlled variables were gender, age, and body weight of white rats (Rattus norvegicus). The data analysis of this research was then tested using the one way ANOVA statistical test. Based on the research results show so that the number of mice used in each group was 6 white mice. The independent variable in this study was Moringa oleifera leaf extract with doses of 1.8 ml, 2.7 ml and 3.6 ml. And the dependent variable is lung histology of white rats (Rattus norvegicus). While the controlled variables were gender, age, and body weight of white rats (Rattus norvegicus). The data analysis of this research was then tested using the one way ANOVA statistical test. Based on the research results show so that the number of mice used in each group was 6 white mice. The independent variable in this study was Moringa oleifera leaf extract with doses of 1.8 ml, 2.7 ml and 3.6 ml. And the dependent variable is lung histology of white rats (Rattus norvegicus). While the controlled variables were gender, age, and body weight of white rats (Rattus norvegicus). The data analysis of this research was then tested using the one way ANOVA statistical test. Based on the research results show The data analysis of this research was then tested using the one way ANOVA statistical test. Based on the research results show The data analysis of this research was then tested using the one way ANOVA statistical test. Based on the research results showThe infusion of moringa leaves affected the spread of neutrophils in the lung tissue of white mice (Rattus norvegicus) exposed to cigarette smoke.} }