@thesis{thesis, author={Sari Ni Made Devi Septiyani}, title ={Perbandingan bentuk sel alveoli paru tikus putih (rattus norvegicus ) yang terpapar asap obat nyamuk dengan ekstrak daun kelor (moringa oleifera lamrk)}, year={2021}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/7798/}, abstract={Previous research has known the influence of moringa leaf extract on pulmonary inflammation that occurs due to the smoke of mosquito repellent burns, whereby mice given exposure to grilled mosquito repellent + moringa leaf extract showed a decrease in inflammatory inflammatory cells when compared to the group who were only given exposure to grilled mosquito repellent.. From that background, researchers are interested to analyze more about the comparison of the alveoli cell shape of the lungs of white ( Rattus norvegicus) who are exposed to mosquito repellent smoke with moringa oleifera lamrk extract.. Because this study is an experimental laboratory study with posttest-only control group design,, the population and samples in this study are white rats (rattus norvegicus) as many as 25 tails divided into 5 treatment groups. And the data analysis used is a one way-anova. From the results of the analysis conducted by the researchers, it is known that the administration of moringa leaf extract affects the diameter of the lung alveoli of white rats (Rattus norvegicus) who are exposed to the smoke of mosquito repellent burns. Where in the group given moringa leaf extract P1 found the diameter of pulmonary alveoli was the lowest or least when compared to other treatment groups. And in the group given p2 moringa leaf extract found the highest diameter of pulmonary alveoli when compared to other treatment groups.} }