@thesis{thesis, author={Gunawan I Putu Krisna Sadhu}, title ={Perbandingan waktu penyembuhan luka bersih antara penggunaan lidah buaya (aloe vera) dengan povidone iodine 10% pada tikus wistar}, year={2021}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/7799/}, abstract={Wounds are defined as loss of tissue or skin continuity that may be caused by trauma or a surgical procedure. The wound healing process goes through several stages, namely hemostasis, inflammation, granulation and maturation. One of the medicinal plants that can treat various health problems from head to toe is aloe vera. Aloe vera contains polysaccharides, which stimulate wound healing and skin growth. In addition, there is an antiseptic solution Povidone iodine which can be used in pre and postoperative skin cleansing, and to reduce sepsis wounds in burns. This study aims to elaborate the difference in clean wound healing time between the use of Aloe vera and 10% Povidone iodine in Wistar rats. The population in this study is Wistar rats were in Laboratory Animals Try Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Widya Mandala Surabaya with large samples taken as many as 24 individuals. Data analysis in this study used the One Way ANOVA statistical test. The results showed no differences in wound healing time clean use of aloe (Aloe vera) with Povidone iodine 10 % in wound care net on Wistar rats, proven by the p-value of 0.0542> 0.05.} }