@thesis{thesis, author={Darmawan Komang Ricky Arya}, title ={Efek inframerah dekat terhadap jumlah sel adiposit pada tikus putih}, year={2021}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/7806/}, abstract={Obesity is a condition of the accumulation of excessive fat levels in the body. Obesity in old age can increase the risk of problems with bones and joints so that the risk of falling or accidents will increase. Central obesity, which is the cause of degenerative disease, can be measured by the accumulation of fat in the abdomen using the abdominal circumference indicator. Based on Basic Health Research research (2013), the incidence of Indonesian people suffering from obesity is 15.4%, with the incidence of obesity in adult women increasing by 18.1% from 2007 (13.9%) to 32.9%. Infra-red therapy is a type of therapy that uses infrared electromagnetic waves with wave characteristics. Infrared therapy can work by affecting fat and weight loss. Researchers are interested in conducting research by comparing the number of adipocyte cells in white rat that have received near infrared light therapy with those that don't get near infrared light therapy. In this research, the software used to calculate the number of adipocyte cells is ImageJ version 1.45s. ImageJ is a software that can be used to calculate the number and size of cells manually.} }