@thesis{thesis, author={Rachmad Yunus Indrayanto Yunus}, title ={Penyalahgunaan bantuan langsung tunai pada masa pandemi covid-19}, year={2021}, url={http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/7859/}, abstract={ABSTRACT The Research entitled Missuse of Cash Direct Assistance Covid-19 Pandemic aims to review or analyze cash direct assistance programs conducted during Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used in this thesis uses research methods that use normative juridical, which is research focused on examining the application of rules or norms in positive law. Normative juridical, that is the approach that uses the positivist legis conception. This concept views the law as identical with written norms created and promulgated by authorized institutions or officials. This conception views law as a normative system that is independent, closed and independent of real community life. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that first: The missuse of direct cash assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic has a characterstic in the form of inacurate data collection and it involves several elements in the community. Second: There are several ways of juridical solition to the abuse of direct cash assistance during Covid-19 pandemic, and there are preventife, preemtive, promotive and repressive. Preventive with a legal approach through laws and changes in social behavior, preemptive is to detect early potential abuse at its root or center, promotive is to promotion campaign massively in society regarding the dangers and impacts when abuse or corruption will be. And repressive was by applying or implementing what has been regulated in the laws and regulation through the applicable legal process start from investigation till the decision of the case by the judge. Keywords: Missuse, Cash Direct Assistance, Covid-19 Pandemic, Juridicial Settlement.} }