@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={EVALUASI PENGGUNAAN STRONGER NEO MINOPHAGEN C (SNMC) INJEKSI PADA GANGGUAN FUNGSI HATI DI BEBERAPA RUMAH SAKIT DI YOGYAKARTA}, year={2013}, url={http://new.etd.repository.ugm.ac.id/home/detail_pencarian/63315}, abstract={(ABSTRAKSI) Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap penggunaan Stronger Neo Minophagen C (SNMC) di beberapa rumah sakit di Yogyakarta. SNMC adalah sediaan injeksi dengan kandungan utama glycyrrhizin yang berasal dari tanaman herbal dan telah lama digunakan untuk mengatasi gangguan penyakit hati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indikasi penggunaan SNMC dan pengaruh pemberian SNMC terhadap penurunan SGOT dan SGPT. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara observasional dengan metode restropektif melalui penelusuran data rekam medik di rumah sakit A, B dan C di Yogyakarta periode 1 Januari-31 Desember 2012. Subyek penelitian adalah semua pasien rawat inap dengan kriteria inklusi yang mendapat SNMC, SGOT > 40 IU/L, SGPT > 40 IU/L, pasien yang didiagnosis mengalami gangguan fungsi hati (hepatitis A, B dan C, kanker hati, cholestasis, cholelitiasis, cholesistitis, choledocholithiasis, jaundice, perlemakan hati/fatty liver, dan abses hati). Penelitian ini menggunakan subyek penelitian dengan total 230 subyek, dimana terdapat 141 kasus gangguan hati dan 89 selain gangguan hati. Dari 141 kasus yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi 50 subyek. Kelima puluh subyek ini yang menggunakan SNMC tunggal ada 12 pasien sisanya SNMC dengan kombinasi (38 pasien). Hasilnya pemberian SNMC tunggal mampu menurunkan SGOT sebesar 18,05-93,62% dan SGPT sebesar 9,31-77,55%; SNMC dengan kombinasi (Curcuma rhizome, asam ursodeoksikolat, ekstrak siccum/fructus Schizandrae, Lesitin murni (PPC 95%), dan L-ornithine-L-aspartate baik tunggal/kombinasi) menurunkan SGOT sebesar 5,26-98,41% dan SGPT sebesar 4,45-92,15%. Indikasi penggunaan SNMC injeksi di 3 rumah sakit di Yogyakarta banyak digunakan untuk gangguan fungsi hati sebesar hepatitis A 33,91% (78 kasus), hepatitis B 3,91% (9 kasus), hepatitis C 0,44% (1 kasus), gangguan hati yang lain 23,04% (53 kasus) dan sisanya 38,70% (89 kasus) pada peningkatan serum transaminase selain gangguan hati. SNMC mampu menurunkan SGOT dan SGPT pada gangguan fungsi hati. (ABSTRACT) The use of Stronger Neo Minophagen C (SNMC) was studied in several hospitals in Yogyakarta. SNMC is an injection containing the active ingredient of glychyrrhizin which is derived from an herb and has long been used to treat liver function failure. This study is to determine the indications for SNMC and its effects to the reduction of SGOT and SGPT. This research was an observational study using a retrospective method on medical records from hospital A, B, and C in Yogyakarta between the period of January 1 to December 31, 2012. The subjects were all in-patients with the inclusion criteria of receiving SNMC, SGOT > 40 IU/L, SGPT > 40 IU/L, diagnosed with liver diseases (hepatitis A, B and C, liver cancer, cholestasis, cholelitiasis, cholesistitis, choledocholithiasis, jaundice, fatty liver, and liver abscess). A total of 230 subjects were enrolled in this study, 141 cases of liver disease and 89 cases of other diseases. From the 141 subjects, there were only 50 that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Of the 50 patients, 12 were prescribed with single SNMC and the rest received SNMC with other medications. The results showed that single SNMC was able to decrease SGOT and SGPT by 18.05 to 93.62% and 9.31 to 77.55% respectively; while SNMC with combinations (Curcuma rhizome, ursodeoxycholic acid, extract siccum/fructus Schizandrae, pure lecithin (PPC 95%), and L-ornithine-L-aspartate either single or combination) was able to decrease SGOT by 5.26 to 98,41% and SGPT by 4.45 to 92,15%. The indication of SNMC injection in 3 hospitals in Yogyakarta widely used for liver dysfunction was hepatitis A 33,91% (78 cases), hepatitis B 3,91% (9 cases), hepatitis C 0,44% (1 case), other liver dysfunction 23,04% (53 cases) and the remaining 38.70% (89 cases) in increasing of serum transaminases other liver dysfunction. SNMC was able to decrease SGOT and SGPT on liver function disturbances.} }