@thesis{thesis, author={Aghniya Rizki Ananda }, title ={ANALISIS RISIKO USAHATANI PADI BERAS MERAH LAHAN KERING DI KECAMATAN PONJONG KABUPATEN GUNUNGKIDUL}, year={2020}, url={https://etd.umy.ac.id/id/eprint/1011/}, abstract={Red rice farming in Gunungkidul district is mostly cultivated on dry land / dry land. One of them is in Ponjong Sub-District. Ponjong District can be divided into three zones, namely the southern zone, the central zone and the northern zone. Each zone has different land characteristics. So that it can create different farm risks in each zone. Red rice farming is expected to generate high income for farmers. So farmers can meet household needs. This study aims to determine the cost of farming and red rice rice income, analyze the cost risk, production risk, and output price risk, and determine the farmers' perceptions of the risk of red rice farming. This research was conducted in Ponjong District with the Purposive location determination method, in sampling using a systematic random sampling method. The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis for the discussion of costs, income and farm risk analysis. For score analysis is used to discuss farmers' perceptions of farm risk. The results showed (1) the smallest explicit cost was in the middle zone with a fee of Rp 2,319,330. The highest revenue and income are in the southern zone with the total revenue of Rp 3,916,656 and income of Rp 1,590,364 (2) Analysis of cost risk, production risk, and the lowest output price risk is in the southern zone. (3) In the southern and middle zones there are neutral risks to cost risks and production risks, while for the north zone they have a bad perception of cost risks and production risks. For the risk of output prices, all three zones have a neutral perception.} }