@thesis{thesis, author={MIRAH SATRIA ALAMSYAH }, title ={VENEZUELA PASCA CHAVEZ SEBAGAI ANCAMAN TERHADAP KEAMANAN NASIONAL AMERIKA SERIKAT}, year={2015}, url={https://etd.umy.ac.id/id/eprint/21458/}, abstract={*438 National Security becomes one of the reason countries enforce their foreign policy. This becomes the reason behind The American View against Venezuela. The author belives this is an intresting issue to be studied. The aim of this paper is to describe the reasons why US still consider the post-Chavez Venezuela as a threat despite the crisis that happening in Venezuela. This study uses qualitative analysis, which the authors tried to describe and explain the reason for determination of Venezuela as a threat to the security of the United States. The data that authors use comes from books, journals, documents, and materials from the Internet. This study shows that US identity as a country that upholds freedom is one of the reason on how US views other countries. This identity automatically make US perceives other countries as a threat, if other countries have a policy that interfere with US foreign policy and US interest considered disturbing the freedom of the US in implementing their policy on international security. Furthemore, the Government of United States considers Venezuela not giving support to United States effort to increasing international security. Thus, through this paper can be seen that the reason the US is still deem the post-Chavez Venezuela as a threat because of the freedom that attached to Its Identity. Keyword: National Security, Security Threat, Constructivism, Identity, Foreign Policy} }