@thesis{thesis, author={Kirana Annesha Agustin }, title ={PENGARUH DETERJEN YANG TERKANDUNG DI DALAM PASTA GIGI TERHADAP DAYA LENTING KAWAT ORTODONTIK STAINLESS STEEL 0,016"}, year={2020}, url={https://etd.umy.ac.id/id/eprint/970/}, abstract={Background: Stainless steel wire is one type of wire that has good resilience ability. Resilience is the ability of a wire to release energy when applied to a force load or when a wire is activated. This characteristic has an important role in the successness of orthodontic treatment due to its function on moving the teeth. There are several factors that affect resilience, one of them is corrosion. Corrosion of stainless steel wire can be caused by Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or detergents contained in toothpaste. Exposure to these compounds causes corrosion and decreases the resilience of stainless steel wire. Objective: To determine the effect of detergent contained in toothpaste on the resilience of stainless steel wire 0,016?. Method: This study is experimental laboratory. A total of 10 stainless steel wire sample were divided into two groups. The first group was five samples applied by toothpaste contains detergent and the second group was five samples applied by non detergent toothpaste known as control group. Both groups were immersed for two days in incubator with temperature 37o C with an artificial saliva pH 6,8 to equalize with the condition in oral cavity. The resilience was measured using Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Result: It was statistically analyzed using the Independent T test. The result shows a significance value of p 0.00 (p <0.05). This result indicates that there is a significant difference in the resilience of stainless steel wire after immersed in detergent and non-detergent toothpaste. Conclusion: There is significant effect of detergent contained in toothpaste on the resilience of orthodontic wire stainless steel 0,016?.} }