@thesis{thesis, author={Fahmi M Alvi}, title ={Keanekaragaman serangga pada Cagar Alam Manggis Gadungan dan Perkebunan Kopi berbasis agroforesti mangli di Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kediri}, year={2014}, url={http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/1013/}, abstract={INDONESIA : Serangga adalah hewan dengan jumlah terbesar dari seluruh spesies yang ada di bumi ini, mempunyai berbagai macam peranan dan keberadaanya ada dimana-mana, sehingga menjadikan serangga sangat penting di ekosistem, terutama bagi sektor pertanian yaitu sebagai penyerbuk dan berperan sebagai hama. Keanekaragaman serangga di beberapa tempat dapat berbeda-beda. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengetahui keanekaragaman serangga pada Cagar Alam Manggis Gadungan dan Perkebunan Kopi Mangli di Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kediri. Penelitian dilakukan di Cagar Alam Manggis Gadungan dan perkebunan kopi berbasis agroforesti Mangli Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kediri dan identifikasi serangga dilakukan di laboratorium optik Jurusan Biologi Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, pada bulan September?Oktober 2013. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode eksplorasi. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode nisbi (relatif) dengan window trap 5 buah, yellow sticky trap 10 buah pada masing-masing lahan, dan fly net. Hasil penelitian pada Cagar Alam Manggis gadungan diperoleh 37 famili yang meliputi 5 famili polinator , 2 famili parasitoid,17 famili herbivora, 12 famili predator, dan 1 famili scavenger. Pada lahan perkebunan kopi 31 famili terdiri dari 5 famili polinator, 11 famili predator, 2 famili parasitoid, 14 famili herbivora, sedangkan lahan perkebunan tumpang sari kopi dan cabai 30 famili meliputi 4 famili polinator, 11 famili predator, 1 famili parasitoid, 13 famili herbivora dan 1 famili scavenger. Indeks keanekaragaman Shannon (H?) serangga secara kumulatif mulai dari yang tertinggi ke terendah yaitu, pada cagar alam Manggis Gadungan, (3,27), perkebunan kopi (3,13) dan perkebunan tumpangsari kopi dan cabai yaitu 3,06. ENGLISH : Insects are animals with the largest number of all species on earth, has a wide variety of roles and its presence is everywhere, making the insects are very important in the ecosystem, especially for the agricultural sector, namely the role as pollinators and pests. Insect diversity in some places may vary. Thus this study aims to identify and determine the diversity of insects in the Nature Reserve and the Phony Mangosteen Coffee Plantation in District Puncu Mangli Kediri. The study was conducted in the Nature Reserve Manggis Gadungan coffee-based agroforestry plantations Mangli Puncu Kediri sub district and insect identification is done in the optical laboratory Biology Department of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, in the month of September-October 2013. The study was descriptive quantitative exploration methods. Data collection was carried out by using the method relative (relative) with 5 pieces of window traps, yellow sticky traps 10 pieces in each land, and fly net. The results of the study on the Nature Reserve Manggis Gadungan obtained 37 families which include 5 family pollinators, parasitoids 2 families, 17 families herbivores, predators 12 families and 1 family scavenger. At the coffee plantation 31 family consists of 5 families pollinators, 11 families of predators, parasitoids 2 families, 14 families herbivores, while the plantation intercropping coffee and chili 30 family includes four families of pollinators, 11 families of predators, parasitoids 1 families, 13 families herbivores and 1 family scavenger. Diversity Shannon index (H ') cumulatively insects ranging from the lowest to the highest, namely, the nature reserve Gadungan Mangosteen, (3.27), coffee plantations (3.13) and intercropping coffee and chili plantation is 3.06.} }