@thesis{thesis, author={Karim Nagla Saad}, title ={حرمان المرأة من الميراث في العرف الليبي من المنظور القبلي والفقه المالكي: دراسة حالة ليبيا المنطقة الوسطي}, year={2017}, url={http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/10208/}, abstract={?????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? (????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????) ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???????? ????????? ????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????????? ???????? ?????? ????????? ?2017?. ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ??? ????? ??????? ????????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ????????? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ?? ???? ?? ????????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? . ???????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ?????????. ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ????? ??? ??? ???????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ???????? ?? ??? ???????. ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ???: ?? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?????????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ???????. ??????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ?? ???????. ABSTRACT The study discusses the woman disinheritance in Libya which has been ruled in Islamic law and emphasized by qath?i law of Quran and hadith. The disinheritance itself refers to the authority which considers local tradition and custom are above Islamic law in the perspective of Central Libya society, as object of the study. Therefore, it is important to involve all level of the society to ban or deal with the problem in order to maintain Islamic law and maqashid sharia on the application which destroys the woman legal rights. The study aims to find out the basic argumentation of Libyan tradition among traditional leaders for woman disinheritance. In addition, it tries to find out the way or process of woman disinheritance from the perspective of Libyan tribal leaders and describe the perspective of Maliki fiqh ulemas and argumentation on the problem. The researcher employs a qualitative descriptive and library and documentary as the research methodology. The data collection is done by closed and open interview and documentation. The result of the study shows that there are various argumentation used by Libyan society as their legal basics to do woman disinheritance such as to keep family wealth and the prohibition to give away the family wealth. To do this, they perform various action such as documenting family wealth for their heirs, doing a fake transaction between parents and their sons, forging documents in order to prevent the women from inheriting the wealth, and doing it with a legal procedure. However, the Maliki ulemas say nothing about the legality and procedure of the phenomena. Moreover, even though some of the ulemas refuse any practice of woman disinheritance which is against Islamic law, most of them accept the tradition and tend to tolerate the phenomena. ABSTRAK Latar belakang penelitian tesis ini membahas tentang Pencabutan Hak Waris Perempuan di masyarakat Libya yang telah diatur syariat Islam dan diperjelas dengan nash-nash qath?i dari Al-Quran Hadist. Pencabutan ini mengacu kepada otoritas tradisi lokal dan berpegang pada adat istiadat masyarakat sekitar yang telah menganggap kedudukan tradisi dan adat istiadat berada di atas ajaran syariat dalam pandangan mayoritas masyarakat Libya Tengah, seperti dalam masalah yang dijadikan obyek penelitian ini. Hal tersebut membutuhkan peran semua pihak dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat untuk melakukan pelarangan atau berupaya mengatasi noda (aib) ini dalam pelaksanaan syariat Islam serta maqashid syariah pada batas-batas penerapan yang menghancurkan hak-hak yang sah bagi perempuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dalil-dalil (argumentasi) yang dijadikan dasar tradisi-tradisi masyarakat Libya dalam pencabutan hak-hak waris kaum perempuan di kalangan tokoh-tokoh adat. Serta, untuk mengetahui cara atau prose} }