@thesis{thesis, author={Taufiqoh Tuhfatut}, title ={Ambiguity in headline on 2017 French election in BBC News Online}, year={2017}, url={http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/10618/}, abstract={ENGLISH : This study investigates the ambiguous meaning in headlines news on 2107 French election in BBC news online. This study included in semantic analysis that focuses on words, phrases, sentences that have ambiguous meaning. Methodologically, the descriptive qualitative design is applied in this study as the research design because the purpose of this study is to provide a deep analysis of the data. Furthermore, this study provides rich description and interpretation of the ambiguity meaning. For the data collection, the data are collected from the official website of BBC online. Thus, in analyzing the data, the research uses Kreidler?s theory (1998) which divides ambiguity in three types, those are lexical ambiguity, referential ambiguity, and syntactical ambiguity. Based on the selected theory, the researcher attempts to describe how the ambiguity is found in newspaper through its news headlines. From the analysis, the result of this study showed that lexical ambiguity is more frequently found in French election 2017 news headlines than referential and syntactical ambiguity. The researcher found that there are 22 news headlines from 127 headline taht classified as having ambiguous meaning. Specifically, 12 data of the lexical ambiguity are caused by polysemy and figurative senses while other 8 data of the referential ambiguity are caused by an indefinite reffering expression, pronoun ?your? which is used generally or spesifically, and anaphora which is unclear due to the personal pronoun. Moreover, 2 data of the syntactical ambiguity are caused by two words that are coordinated by conjunction ?and? and a head with an inner modifier and an outer modifier. Based on the result of analysis, the researcher provides a suggestion for the next researchers who are interested in learning and analyzing the similar topic about the ambiguity meaning. The next researchers can do further analysis by investigating the ambiguity meaning found in economy or sport news headlines. Besides, the next researcher also can do analysis the ambiguity meaning found in formal speeches. INDONESIA : Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang makna ambigu atau makna ganda pada judul berita. Penelitian ini termasuk analisis semantik yang fokus pada kata-kata, frasa dan kalimat yang mempunyai makna ambigu. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh analisis secara dalam terhadap data yang di dapat. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini memberi penjelasan dan interpretasi yang detail tentang makna ambigu. Pengambilan data pada penelitian ini diambil dari alamat website berita online BBC. Untuk analisis data peneliti menggunakan teori ambigu dari Kreidler (1998). Dia membagi makna ambigu menjadi 3 macam, yaitu lexical ambiguity, referential ambiguity, and syntactical ambiguity. Berdasarkan teori tersebut, peneliti akan menjelaskan bagaimana makna ambigu bisa ditemukan dalam judul berita. Dari hasil analisis, hasil kajian penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lexical ambiguity lebih sering terjadi pada judul berita mengenai pemilihan presiden 2017 daripada referential dan structural ambiguity. Peneliti menemukan 22 judul berita yang bermakna ambigu dari 127 judul berita yang ditemukan. Terdapat 12 data yang merupakan lexical ambiguity yang dikarenakan polysemy dan figurative sense. 8 data merupakan referential ambiguity yang disebabkan an indefinite reffering expression, ponoun ?your? is used generally or spesifically, dan anaphora is unclear because personal pronoun. Dan yang terakhir, 2 data merupakan syntactical ambiguity yang yang disebabkan two words that are coordinated by conjunction ?and?, and a head with an inner modifier dan outer modifier. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, penulis memberikan saran pada peneliti selanjutnya yang tertarik pada analisis makna ambigu bisa lebih fokus pada satu masalah ambiguitas atau mennggunakan teori ambiguitas yang lain. bisa juga mengkaji aspek yang lain seperti isi pada berita, pidato atau mengkaji judul berita tapi berbeda tema seperti berita ekonomi, atau berita olahraga.} }