@thesis{thesis, author={Farida Yayuk}, title ={The study on ideological representation of mass media on muslim people in case of Jakarta protest november 4th 2016}, year={2017}, url={http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/10643/}, abstract={ENGLISH : This study examines the Ideological representation on mass media using Critical Discourse Analysis. In this study, the focus is on the discourse and the text of the news chosen which creates the ideological representation toward Muslim people in case of Jakarta protest November 4th 2016. The theory used is Fairclough?s three-dimensional framework which concentrates on the textual analysis, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. The first dimension is considered as description, the second dimension is interpretation and the third dimension is explanation. The discourses of the three-news selected are from CNN, The New York Times and The Guardian. Furthermore, this study gives rich description and interpretation about the ideological representation of Muslim people in case of blasphemy religion which found on the media chosen. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative because the purpose of this study is to provide a deep analysis of the data. All discourse on the three-news chosen as the data, which are described on the linguistics units to finally discuss to main topic of the study which is the ideological representation of Muslim people in case of Jakarta protest 2016. The data are collected from the official website pages of each news. The findings of the study reveal that the use of passivation in the three-news selected is mostly significant in order to show the victim without explaining the agent. In addition, the use of chosen word like good word for Ahok for example Though Ahok has repeatedly apologized and said he did not intend to insult Islam or the Quran indicates that Muslim people did not accept Ahok?s apology and still want to punish him. On the other hand, the writers of the news mentions the bad side of Muslim people using bad word such as, Islamic Defenders Front -- an extremist group with a record of violence and intimidation -- for Muslim protester seems that the writers of the news wants to convey that Muslim people are bad. Besides, the discourse practice which contains in the news are; the writer uses the technique of mentioning the good and bad side of the subject of the news and a political practice found in order to make the case of Blasphemy religion by Ahok is just an ordinary case which is occurred unintentionally to calm the mass or Muslim people in order to make Ahok still can be a representative in the next Jakarta?s governor. The last is about ideological representation which appears after analyzing the sociocultural practice, the third level of Fairclough?s model of analysis. It represents Indonesian Muslim people who conducts the protest are describes as a bad behave in blasphemy protest in each news. It shows that Muslim protesters is taking the case seriously and describes as unwell behavior toward the case, such as not accepting Ahok?s apology, asking Ahok to be killed, burning some stuff while doing protest and etc. which are really disobedient with Muslim behavior supposed to be. INDONESIA : Studi ini mengkaji tentang representasi ideologi pada media massa menggunakan Analisis Wacana Kritis. Fokus pada studi ini adalah penggunaan bahasa pada teks atau tulisan-tulisan pada berita terpilih yang pada akhrinya menciptakan sebuah representasi ideologi terhadap orang islam pada kasus demo Jakarta 2016. Teori yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah 3 kerangka dimensi analisis wacana kritis dari Fairclough yang mana membahas tentang bagian analisis tekstual, diskursif praktis, dan wacana sebagai praktik sosial. Dimensi yang pertama membahas tentang deskripsi dari analisis tekstual, yang kedua membahas tentang interpretasi dari segi tekstual, dan yang ketiga adalah penjelasan dari wacana yang terdapat pada berita. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah tiga berita terpilih yaitu CNN, The New York Times, dan The Guardian. Selanjutnya, studi ini akan memberikan penjelasan dan interprestasi yang kaya tentang Representasi Ideologi orang Islam pada kasus penghinaan agama yang terdapat di tiga berita terpilih. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, disebut demikian karena tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk memperoleh analisis secara mendalam terhadap data yang didapat. Semua wacana dari tiga berita terpilih tentang demo penghinaan agama dideskripsikan secara lingustik yang akan mendapatkan keterangan tentang representasi ideologi orang islam pada kasus tersebut. Data diambil dari website resmi setiap berita. (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/05/world/asia/jakarta-protest-blasphemy-ahok-indonesia.html?_r=0, http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/15/asia/jakarta-governor-ahok-indonesia/index.html and https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/nov/05/indonesian-president-blames-political-actors-for-stoking-jakarta-blasphemy-protests) Temuan pada studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa penggunaan kata pasif yang terdapat pada ketiga berita terpilih sangat signifikan untuk menunjukkan seorang korban tanpa me} }