@thesis{thesis, author={Kurniana Nimas Wegig}, title ={Pengembangan Ensiklopedia Dinasti Ayyubiyah dengan pendekatan kontekstual (CTL) untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar SKI Siswa Kelas VIII MTS Sunan Kalijaga Malang}, year={2017}, url={http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/10662/}, abstract={?????? ????? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????????. ?????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ???????? ????????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ????. ????????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ??????. ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ? ????? ????? ?????? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ??????. ??? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ????????? (1) ????? ???? ?????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ? (2) ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????. ????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ????? (1) ????? ???? ?????????? (2) ???????? (3) ????? ??? ?? ???????? ???????? (4) ???????? ??????? (5) ?????? ??????? (6) ????? ???????? ( 7) ????? ??????? (8) ???????? ????????? (9) ????? ?????? ???????? (10) ????? ????????. ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???? ????????? ?????? ????? 88.08?. ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?????? ????? ????????? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? 92.8?? ?????? ??????? ?? 82.5? ? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? 96.42? ? ????? ??????? ????????? ?? 88.09?. ????? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??? ????????? ?? 52.96 <81.85? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????? ????????. ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ?? 0.05 ???? ???? ??? ?? ? ???? = 4.88? ?? ??? ?? ? ???? = 1.70562. ???? ?? ??? ?? ? ???? > ? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ?? ? ????? ????? H0????? H1? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????????. ??????? ??????? ?????? (?) ?? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ??? ????? ????????????? ???????? ??????????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ? ????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??????????? ABSTRACT The Ayyuyah dynasty is one of the subjects in the history and Islamic Culture lesson. Students? learning motivation in learning SKI is worst because SKI learning tends to be boring. In addition, there is no development of teaching materials and lack of supporting books that support the learning. To achieve the learning objectives of the SKI, it is necessary to develop teaching materials that can improve students' learning motivation. The objectives of the research: (1) produced a supporting book of SKI subjects to improve students' learning motivation of Class VIII at Islamic Junior High School of Sunan Kalijaga of Malang, (2) made effective the Encyclopedia of Ayyubiyah Dynasty with contextual learning in increasing Students? Learning Motivation of history and Islamic culture (SKI) of Class VIII at Islamic Junior High School of Sunan Kalijaga of Malang The type of research was a development study, which referred to the procedural development model that was developed by Borg and Gall in ten stages. The process of developing the Encyclopedia of the Ayyubyah dynasty was through ten stages (1) research and information gathering, (2) planning, (3) initial product format development, (4) initial test, (5) product revision, (6) 7) product revision, (8) field test, (9) revision of final product, (10) dissemination and distribution. The effectiveness of Encyclopedia of Ayyubiyah dynasty was through motivation questionnaire, it was 88,08%. The validity of the Ayyubiyah dynasty Encyclopedia development research was valid with the result of material expert test reached 92,8%, media design expert was 82,5%, material expert was 96,42% and field trial result reached 88,09%. Students' learning outcomes before and after using the Ayyubiyah dynasty Encyclopedia experienced an average increase in pre-test that was lower than post-test, meant that 52.96 <81.85, which meant there were differences in learning outcomes before and after using the encyclopedia of the ayyubiyah dynasty. It obtained t-test results by using manual calculations with significance level of 0.05 that indicated that tcount = 4.88 and ttable = 1.70562. these showed that tcount> ttable which meant that tcountwas bigger than ttable, H0was rejected and H1was accepted, so there was significant difference between student value before and after using Encyclopedia of Ayyubiyah Dynasty. The conclusion of t-test result that that Ayyubiyah Dynasty Encyclopedia was good and feasible to be used as a supporting book of SKI subjects in the class VIII at MTs Sunan Kalijaga of Malang, because it can give different learning results before and after using it. ABSTRAK Dinasti Ayyubiyah merupakan salah satu materi dalam pelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam. Motivasi belajar siswa dalam belajar SKI sangat kurang karena pemb} }