@thesis{thesis, author={Isma Tutik}, title ={Thematic Development of Reading Texts in“English Zone Textbook” of Eleventh Grade of Senior High School.Skripsi}, year={2012}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1065/}, abstract={English is a kind of language that to be the center of any languages in the world. It has a meaningful for every word that comes out from human mind. English textbook is quit important for all over schools in the world. Schools need to have a textbook in order to help the students easier to get through English knowledge. This study is aimed at analyzing thematic development of reading texts in “English Zone textbook” of eleventh grade of senior high school. Here, I analyze six texts from five types of texts in “English Zone textbook”, in order to the research is not too wide. Therefore, I take one of the texts from each type of text as the representative. This is a qualitative descriptive study. The data were collected by analyzing the thematic development of reading texts in “English Zone textbook”of eleventh grade of senior high school.The texts are;one report text, twonarrative texts,one analytical exposition text, one spoof text, and one hortatory exposition text. I analyze and describe based on what (Gerot and Wignel)and (Eggins) particularly exemplified. The results shows that the thematic development of reading texts in “English Zone textbook” of eleventh grade of senior high school is found 5 types of thematic development.; 18 for re-iterate themes, 5 zigzag themes, 1multiple theme, 6 blending, and 1 unclear. So, the total of all paragraphs must be 31 paragraphs. Based on the result, the dominant thematic development is re-iterate or constant or parallel theme that is 18. It means that the writer of “English Zone textbook” mostly develops the texts by using re-iterate or constant or parallel theme which re-iterates the theme to the next theme. It is informative, easier and understandable, especially for the students of eleventh grade of senior high school. Therefore, the teacher should find a book which contains good texts in thematic development. They can get it by looking at the background of the book or at least looking at the good publisher that has approved by the government. By that, it can facilitate the students in understanding the texts. The teacher should also analyze the thematic development of the texts, in order to know whether the text is understandable or not. } }